Tuesday, August 9, 2011

     So the word is that no matter how far we have come from racism it has not died. A young group of white males felt that they wanted to hurt a black person, so the group drove to Jackson, Mississippi and found a black man that was minding his own business by his car and they felt the need to hurt him.

   To make things worst while beating this man to death this group of teens screamed out racist remarks and last ran the man over with their car to him. SMH First I do not understand that a person would just out of no where want to harm another human just because of the color of their skin. WOW
    The man the was killed was 49 year old James Craig Anderson and his life is gone because of the hatred that a group of teens had for his race. I hope that Jame's family gets justice because this isn't right at all and everyone that was involved should be charged .

    People we have to do better because Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not have a dream for people to go backwards and for people of diverse races to hate one another, he would want us to love one another and embrace other cultures.


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