Monday, January 31, 2011

    Last night the Celebration of Gospel aired. I felt that it was a well put together show that had an abundance of talent in which was showcased on the show. Another thing that I enjoyed about the show was the fact that there was a variety of performers and multiple songs that were different tempos. 
   I felt that I was able to be uplifted and feel a sense of worship.  Steve Harvey hosted the show and he did pretty well might I say but I expected that from Steve and come on he has hosted all the other shows. Also Whitney Houston made an apperance and song along side Kim Burrell, which showcased thier vocal abilties. But the thing that impressed me the most is that this show is on its 11th run and is still giving good shows that keep my attention.

Awesome Robert Pattinson fan video made by the amazing @100RobPattinson

This gave me goosebumps!!  So lovely!!


  Click for MUCH bigger ;)  



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"In my eyes, everything just seems ridiculous, like every single day it's like you're walking on the street, and then suddenly you step on something and it just starts moving really, really fast, and you're not entirely sure what direction it's going in, but you can feel the force of it."
-Robert Pattinson on his career after Twilight

Sunday, January 30, 2011

   Lately there has been a lot of talk about Taco Bell and their meat. The main focus of the conversation about the meat was the debate if the meat was indeed real quality beef. The word is that the beef is only 35% real beef. Also with the debate Taco Bell has been sued and people that are suing the company want the restaurant to stop referring to the meat that they serve as beef.

   The main thing that I am worried about is the question does the meat make people sick? I am just waiting on that answer.  One thing is for sure and that is that Taco Bell is not going down without a fight. Taco Bell recently presented a new ad. (check it out below)
  "We start with USDA-inspected quality beef (88%)," Taco Bell said in an ad signed by company president Greg Creed. "Then add water to keep it juicy and moist (3%). Mix in Mexican spices and flavors including salt, chili pepper, onion powder, tomato powder, sugar, garlic powder and cocoa powder (4%). Combine a little oats, caramelized sugar, yeast, citric acid and other ingredients that contribute to the flavor, moisture, consistency and quality of our seasoned beef."

   I just hope that the truth comes out about this meat. But the crazy thing is that although Taco Bell is being sued for making fake me their consumers have still be eating it all up and Taco bell has also increased in new consumers. Either way this is whole thing is crazy.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The pic­tures are from August 1st 2008 — T-Mobile Side­kick Launch Party
The first one is NEW. The other pic­tures we’re all tagged. 
Here they are now HQ and untagged.
The first 2 are in UHQ the rest are in HQ




2. Tyler’s Death – “Remem­ber Me.” In “Remem­ber Me,” Robert Pat­tin­son plays Tyler, a trou­bled young adult. Despite much fore­shad­ow­ing, it is easy to be caught off guard by Tyler’s death scene at the end of the movie. A zoom­ing cam­era reveals Tyler stand­ing inside one of the Twin Tow­ers of the World Trade Cen­ter on Sep­tem­ber 11th.

Box Office Mojo's 2011 Preview: Ten Miscellaneous Contenders

Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants (April 22): It's easy to dismiss Robert Pattinson as just part of the Twilight craze thanks to the poor box office performance of Remember Me last March. However, his next movie Water for Elephants is poised to be much more successful: it's helmed by blockbuster director Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend), has interesting co-stars Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz and is based on a reportedly popular book.

Box Office Mojo's 2011 Preview: Sequels - Now, More Than Ever

The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn - Part 1

Like On Stranger Tides, Breaking Dawn (Part One) (Nov. 18) follows a trilogy, but one that ended on a high note: with $300.5 million, third entry Eclipse pulled off the rare feat of out-grossing the second entry New Moon. Breaking Dawn returns to the pre-Thanksgiving slot of the first Twilight and New Moon (and formerly Harry Potter), but will have the longest wait yet (17 months). Add in a reportedly mixed fan reaction to the novel and how being broken in two didn't help Deathly Hallows Part 1, and it wouldn't be surprising if interest ebbs for Breaking Dawn.

Fandango's 2011 Movie Preview

Water For Elephants

Release Date: 4/22/11
Genre: Romance, Drama
Robert Pat­tin­son takes on a non-sparkly role and joins a trav­el­ing cir­cus as its vet­eri­nar­ian. He and the star per­former (Reese With­er­spoon) fall in love, much to the dis­may of her hus­band (Christoph Waltz), the cruel head ani­mal trainer. Sara Gruen’s adapted novel exam­ines the hard­ships of being in the “most spec­tac­u­lar show on Earth.”

The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn - Part 1

Release Date: 11/18/11
Genre: Fan­tasy, Romance
Bella’s (Kristen Stew­art) choice to become a vam­pire and spend eter­nity with Edward (Robert Pat­tin­son) has some seri­ous reper­cus­sions! After plan­ning the most antic­i­pated wed­ding in all of Forks, the cou­ple has to deal with the Vol­turi, treaty com­pli­ca­tions with Jacob (Tay­lor Laut­ner) and start­ing a fam­ily of their own.

Via | Via

Friday, January 28, 2011

Black Friday

Its Friday again and I cannot resist our man in black! Some of this weeks choices are new to the post and a few are old favourites. All are UHQ/Super UHQ. Click on each top make bigger, Enjoy!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

As per usual these are all from my personal collection so unable to source.

   This song right here is a certified banger. I have been playing this song over and over and it still hasn't played out and now the video has just been released and might I say its the S***.LOL I like how in the beginning of the video Nicki shows off her many different persona's and some acting skills.

   Also the song features Mr.Drizzy Drake and he does his thing with his lyrics and role in the video. Nicki really representing for female rappers in the game and I hope she keeps doing her thing. Check out the video below.

   Dang this is all bad Memphis Grizzle's own O.J Mayo was caught with steroids in his system. I am like dang why would you need them. I can see why other sports use them but basketball come on you were already a coo player so why take the Roids? LOL

   Mayo will be suspended for 10 games. By missing those 10 games Mayo will have to pay around 400 stacks. Damn that's a lot of money to be just giving up. Maybe that will make him think twice. Also don't these athletes know that they will have random drug test? Like get it together if your going to do wrong and have a plan. LMAO

"The steroid that Mayo got caught with is called Dehydroepiandrosterone. Here is the definition.
DHEA has been implicated in a broad range of biological effects in humans and other mammals. It acts on the androgen receptor both directly and through its metabolites, which include androstenediol and androstenedione, which can undergo further conversion to produce the androgen testosterone and the estrogens estrone and estradiol. DHEA is also a potent sigma-1 agonist. It is considered a neurosteroid." (

*Click and click again for bigger!*

"Honestly, I have always said that it’s a subjective glimpse of the whole. For me everything feels the same as before, but there are a few aspects of my life that are completely different. I would just like to not admit that it has taken over my entire life. For myself, in my head, it’s the same as it was in the old days; I also have the exact same friends." -Robert Pattinson on he feels about how his life has changed with fame

Release Date: 4/22/11
Genre: Romance, Drama
TrailerInfo. + Tix
Robert Pattinson takes on a non-sparkly role and joins a traveling circus as its veterinarian. He and the star performer (Reese Witherspoon) fall in love, much to the dismay of her husband (Christoph Waltz), the cruel head animal trainer. Sara Gruen’s adapted novel examines the hardships of being in the “most spectacular show on Earth.”

Release Date: 11/18/11
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Info. + Tix
Bella’s (Kristin Stewart) choice to become a vampire and spend eternity with Edward (Robert Pattinson) has some serious repercussions! After planning the most anticipated wedding in all of Forks, the couple has to deal with the Volturi, treaty complications with Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and starting a family of their own.


Robert Pat­tin­son (TWILIGHT) stars in Oliver Irving’s sur­real com­edy as a strug­gling musi­cian who moves in with his emo­tion­ally dis­tant par­ents after a break-up. Par­a­lyzed by depres­sion, Arthur seeks solace in new-age self-help books, par­tic­u­larly It’s Not Your Fault by Dr. Levi Elling­ton (Pow­ell Jones). To fully over­come his “quarter-life cri­sis,” Arthur hires Dr. Elling­ton to act as his per­sonal ther­a­pist, includ­ing close obser­va­tion of Arthur’s life with his dys­func­tional par­ents. Audi­ence Award win­ner at the New Orleans Film Festival.

Sched­uled Times
Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 2 9:40 AM
Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 2 2:30 PM
Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 2 5:35 PM
Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 10 8:15 AM
Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 10 12:30 PM
Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 10 4:45 PM
Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 18 8:50 AM
Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 18 1:25 PM
Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 23 6:05 AM
Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 23 12:00 PM

Twilight's Elizabeth Reaser feels for Robert Pattinson. She really does.

The obsessive fandemonium surrounding R.Pattz can't be easy.


"It's a complicated situation," Reaser, who plays Esme in the Twi-franchise, told me while at Sundance's Bing Bar to promote indie flick Homework. "If you're going to be an actor and you don't want to do dinner theater and you want to do movies like this, it's a crazy risk."

She continued, "I know for me, you want people to watch you tell stories. There's some part of you that is somewhat of an exhibitionist... I'm not saying you want people to chase you down the street screaming and attacking you, but it's a price you have to pay, I think."

Reaser had jetted into Utah from Baton Rouge where they're shooting the last of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, with director Bill Condon. "I feel like there's never going to be a time in my life [again] where I'm going to sit with Peter Facinelli or Nikki Reed at four in the morning with [colored contacts] in and pale makeup and laughing our butts off...giggling all day."

But it's way too soon to say goodbye. "We have so far to go that it doesn't feel like we're anywhere near the end," she said. "Plus we're going to promote these for a few more years, you know. So we're nowhere near the end."

As for that steamy BD photo of Rob and Kristen Stewart, Reaser laughed, "At least everyone knows: OK, people are naked. Just in case the frenzy was dying down, just in case no one cared, here's a naked picture of Rob and Kristen."


Thursday, January 27, 2011

    Joan made a little comment about our first lady Michelle Obama calling here "Blackie-O" I am like SAY WHAT. Joan says that she feels that it was a compliment. Again SAY WHAT? How do you feel that saying Blackie in the same sentence to describe someone as a compliment?

   She said that she removed the joke from her stand up because she didn't want to be labeled as a racist , so why did she say it on the radio? I think that she is somewhat racist because she referred to the first lady as Blackie-O and that name is making reference to her color so that is racist. Joan just needs to watch her mouth. Listen to the radio conversation below.

       The word is that after legally changing his name to Chad Ochocinco in 2008, Chad has decided to return to his roots and change his name back to his birth givin name Chad Johnson. I am like why now and why because come on that is what he is known as. He was starting to create a brand with that name. I really can't think of a positive out look on this change. Chad says "I've done enough with the Ocho thing." I say you have done a lot but whats wrong with building your brand? I think this may be a bad move but we will see what happens

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"There are good and bad days. I often wish I wouldn’t react in such panic. But I believe I can separate jobs from private life very well. So far my ego still hasn’t been injured" -Robert Pattinson on how he handles fame

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Robert Pat­tin­son (24)

What’s He Done: Other than melt hearts of tweens, teens and women all over the world, British beauty Robert Pat­tin­son has starred in ‘Harry Pot­ter and the Gob­let of Fire,’ ‘Remem­ber Me’ and ‘The Twi­light Saga.’
What’s Up Next: Robert will round out the beloved vamp series with the last install­ment of ‘The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn’ and the film adap­ta­tion of ‘Water for Ele­phants,’ star­ring Reese With­er­spoon.

ETOnline | Via | Via

While promoting 'How Do You Know' in the UK, Reese talked a little about Rob

She's also appearing with Robert Pattinson in Water For Elephants.

And Reese, a huge fan of the Twilight films, is amused that the Brit is now a moody vampire pin-up.

"It's so funny because he's really not a bad boy. He's just a great guy and he looks very different in our film," said Reese

Reese Witherspoon claims working alongside an elephant on new movie 'Water For Elephants' was one of the best experiences of her career. Reese, 34, added the elephant helps bring her character closer to Robert Pattinson's in the film, when they meet because of the creature. "Robert Pattinson's character comes in and he's a vet and we end up being very interested in each other. It's very romantic and beautiful."

Source: 1 | 2 | Via | Via

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"I hear often that this story is too old-fashioned and encourages women to take on subservient roles. I don’t think that at all! Even when Bella sometimes has moments of helplessness, she is still only a fictional character. What are we coming to, if every fictional film character is automatically a role model for our society." -Robert Pattinson on Twilight's impact on women

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This week I decided to go way back to 2005 to "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire"  Premiere/Fan Event/Photo Call Tokyo, Japan 18-Nov-2005. All are UHQ and most are Super UHQ!

 Click on each to make bigger, Enjoy!

As per usual, all came from my private collection so unable to source.