Sunday, October 31, 2010

In Jessegirl’s latest wonderful article takes a very interesting and thoughtful look at what the Remember Me Legacy might be in the future.

-by jessegirl- October 24, 2010

Gazing into a crystal ball, what will Remember Me’s legacy be?
Will the Oscars, Baftas, SAGs, Golden Globes look favourably in its direction?
Will it be included in future “Best Film” lists?
Will it become a classic? Or perhaps a cult classic? A sleeper?
Could it become a best-loved film?
Could it appear on film courses in universities, or even find a niche in high school history classes? What criteria do we use to measure legacy?

Hmm. I’m sure some people reading this will think these are ridiculous questions. Given the way the industry and media operate perhaps many think specifically my second query deserves only a raised eyebrow and a dismissive snort. Knowing the film as I do, I would never have predicted either poor critical reception or fair to middling box office, certainly not both together. But that combination was part of what propelled me into defending the film. What does that say about the accuracy of my crystal ball?

It is early days to speak of legacy, I know. It’s been only about 6 months since Remember Me’s U.S. theatrical premiere. However, with films, predictions are rampant. People have no compunction to say “generating Oscar buzz” about other films, either before general release (Oprah, about Precious at TIFF), or after a lucrative premiere (The Social Network).
To read the entire post, please visit their site!

While Robert Pat­tin­son, the Twi­light actor, is already known for his mod­esty, Harry Pot­ter actor Daniel Rad­cliffe has also come out in the air cit­ing that he has always tried to stay grounded.
Daniel Rad­cliffe stands on the thresh­old of his 20s and despite being so young, he is already known in most parts of the planet. Right from a 5 year old kid to a 60 year wiser, he has dis­played his phe­nom­e­nal act­ing skills in his cap­ti­vat­ing wiz­ardry films of the Harry Pot­ter series.
Not only has he been spawn­ing head­lines for the last 10 years, he is also crit­i­cally acclaimed and a super rich actor. But for some­one whose name is chanted by mil­lions of women, Daniel is a hum­ble per­son who refrains from the lav­ish ram­blings of peo­ple like the osten­ta­tious Paris Hilton.
Daniel doesn’t con­sider him­self a celebrity and tries to keep his feet on the ground. “I’ve never con­sid­ered myself a celebrity. Usu­ally, peo­ple who do feel that way aren’t very nice,” he cites.
Sim­i­larly, actor Robert Pat­tin­son, too, despite hav­ing a tsunami like fol­low­ing goes about his busi­ness in a very mod­est man­ner. Down-to-earth and witty, he has hardly (or per­haps never) shown the airs of being a mega star.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Black Friday

It's Friday again... Just love him in black. As always all are HQ/UHQ and some are Super HQ!

Click on each to make bigger, Enjoy!

As always, these all came from my personal collection so unable to source.

Some "new" stills have surfaced from Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse; although I had some of them already that I got directly from Summit. As always, I am posting them plus the others un-tagged as tags should only be embedded by the images legal owner. Neither the source we got them from nor the entity that tagged them is the legal owner, therefore we cannot post them with their tags or source how we acquired them. If everyone plays by theses rules, we will have more beautiful pictures of Rob to enjoy!

As always click for HUGE :)  

“I love play­ing parts that are inspir­ing, I don’t want to play parts that are just good for my career.”  
-Robert Pat­tin­son, Glossy Mag­a­zine 2010

Via Twifans:
For the Twi-hards, it’s all three films in one day! From the original Twilight (2008), to Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009), to the recently released Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), enjoy this 21st century vampire romance series on the big screen. The Twilight films are based on the original award-winning novels by author Stephenie Meyer. They follow the life story of Bella Swan, a teenager from Washington State who falls in love with Edward Cullen, a 104-year-old vampire. Costume contest precedes the films. $8 for each movie or $20 for all three!

Time: October 31, 2010 from 1pm to 10pm
Location: Warner Grand Theatre
Street: 478 W. 6th Street
City/Town: San Pedro, CA 90731
Website or Map:
Phone: (310) 548-7466
Event Type: movie
Organized By: Warner Grand Theatre



Pre-Order Here

According to Allocine Bel Ami will be released in France on May 18, 2011

Cinema Release Date: May 18, 2011
Directed by Declan Donnellan, Nick Ormerod
Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas, more
Genre: Various
Production year: 2011
Distributor: Studio Canal
Synopsis: The social rise of Georges Duroy, a daring and seductive man, employed in the office of Northen Railway, which reaches the top of social pyramid in Paris with his mistresses and journalism.
Source via Twilight Britney Fan

Thursday, October 28, 2010

 I think this is our first birthday since we started the blog so you get the first Blog-Post-Birthday-Shout-Out!

It is sized for your new lappy :) P.S. I wont tell how old you are! Lol! I am still older than you :(  
Love, Roxx

Now why couldn't my school have been this cool?! 

Mr. Cobb. A vampire?….Well that explains why he doesn’t age. And if Edward Cullen (aka Robert Pattinson of the "Twilight" series) says so, it must be true. Mike, a three-sport varsity captain, and Neve, who does it all—they can’t be human. So Pattinson and Peter Berg ’80 decide it’s time to shut Taft down.

No one thought Headmaster Willy MacMullen could top last year’s Headmaster Holiday announcement. But director/producer Peter Berg came through yet again, filming a video message with Pattinson in a Baton Rouge cemetery.

Berg recapped his theme of unfairness from last year (HeadHoliday09), reminding students that he didn’t have what they have at Taft now. “You guys are continuing to dominate, “ he says to the camera, “and I’m going to deal with it.”

The tradition of a Headmaster Holiday goes back more than a century, to the election of William Howard Taft, whose son was then a student. Knowing Taft’s son would want to attend the inauguration, Horace Taft declared the first Headmaster Holiday--allowing both Horace and his nephew to attend the ceremony.

"I love this tradition,” said MacMullen. “Every student and teacher needed a break from our labors, but the seniors needed it the most, and it is a really great class. Needless to say, when the film was shown, it was deafening! Peter Berg has directed another blockbuster hit! I thought we were going to have to call in the medics--several of the girls looked as if they were about to have a heart attack!"

Of course the stakes have been raised now. "To top this year's video, I have a few requirements for the announcement of the headmaster's holiday for my senior year," middler Cassie Willson emailed the headmaster shortly afterward. "I'm going to need Paul McCartney in person in Bingham, and he will announce the day off and then pull me on stage to perform an impromptu concert for the school. You can make that happen, right?"

The Volunteer Council took advantage of the opportunity to remind students of the Red Cross blood drive today, with the posting “Edward Cullen wants your blood!”

Source | Source

In addition to opening-night film, the supernatural love story Undertow (Peru), “Mundo Hispanico” will feature, among others, Aluízio Abranches’ controversial incest-themed Do Começo ao Fim / From Beginning to End (Brazil), about two hunky brothers in love; Lucía Puenzo‘s El niño pez / The Fish Child (Argentina), about two lesbian lovers who resort to crime; and Paul Morrison‘s Little Ashes (Spain), an English-language drama featuring Robert Pattinson as Salvador Dali
See the rest of the article at the Source


I am sure I have had this one as the Picture of the Day before BUT since it is mah birthday I know you will excuse me for the repeat. It is TOTES my fav from this shoot!! 

Enjoy ladies & thank you all for your amazing birthday wishes

As always click for HUGE!!!!!

“Fear of fail­ure and an inad­e­quacy com­plex.” — Robert Pat­tin­son, Eclipse Press Con­fer­ence 2010 (When asked what dri­ves him to succeed)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is the girl who played ballet dancing Bella in the video at the balletstudio with James...

click for huge!!  Enjoy :)

“When I was 19, I filmed a short movie in Brit­tany for 2 weeks. Every night I’d go play music in their pubs, it was fan­tas­tic. One of my favorite mem­o­ries.” 
Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere, June 2010

Uma Thur­man men­tioned her daughter’s reac­tion to meet­ing Robert Pat­tin­son while she was at the Abu Dhabi film fes­ti­val last week.

Thurman’s act­ing, how­ever, has cer­tainly gained her daughter’s curios­ity, espe­cially when she’s star­ring along­side some of Hollywood’s up-and-coming young heart­throbs such as Twi­light enigma Robert Pat­tin­son and Michael Angarano.

“She asked me: ‘Why are you act­ing in movies with these young boys’ and I replied: ‘Honey, at least I don’t do it in real life’! My daugh­ter met Robert [Pat­tin­son] but she was so blasé about it,” Thur­man said.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This week we are revisiting another one of my favourites, "Twilight" Premiere - London, England 03-Dec-2008. As always they are all HQ/UHQ and many are Super UHQ!

Click on each to make bigger, ENJOY!

Once again, they are all from my private collection so unable to source.